Friday, April 3, 2009


Thursday we learned about England's greatest queen -- Queen Elizabeth. We learned a bit about her sister (Bloody Mary) and her brother (Edward -- very sickly). When Edward became sick he was given every cure known to the physicians. In the spirit of learning about Renaissance cures we mixed one up that evening! We chose the "Cow Manure Poultice to Draw Out Poison from Inflamed Limbs"! Of course we do not have cow manure so they suggested making refrigerator cookies (oatmeal, peanut butter, butter and cocoa). After mixing our concoction we had to apply it on our arms to draw out the poison :) Eating it was the best part!

1 comment:

  1. We loved studying about Queen Elizabeth and Bloody Mary. I love the Manure Poultice. They were quite yummy! :-)
