Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter

The Lord is Risen-- Hallelujah!!! We went to church on Saturday night and sang songs of celebration. Then on Sunday we woke up, ate some cinnamon buns and set out for a hike at Harper's Ferry. What a great way to celebrate Easter -- enjoy God's BEAUTIFUL creation!!!

We took about a 5 to 6 mile hike up to Maryland Heights. The overlook (pictured below) shows the confluence of the Potomac River and the Shenandoah River. In the middle is the picturesque town of Harper's Ferry. Not only did we enjoy the view of the rivers, we were also able to see 3 states from up there -- Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia. This was our first BIG family hike -- it was great to see the kids kick it into gear (sometimes with alot of encouragement) and make this an Easter to remember :)

They found any and all dirt/rock mounds to climb. In one breath they were sooo tired of hiking up hill and the next minute there running up mounds or climbing rocks (kids, they make you scratch your head sometimes...).

This tree picture (kinda looks like they are holding up the tree) is for my dad. I remember him taking pictures of us as kids "holding up a tree"!!!

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