We also enjoyed a very unusual peak at summer -- it was in the lower 90s. As I was writing to a friend in Yuma, AZ I realized that (at that moment) we were almost 20 degrees warmer (that is a very rare event). Unfortunately, the warm weather brings pollen and pollen is not Taylor's friend. Poor girl had watery eyes, a stuffed nose and the whole 9 yards. It helped to keep her indoors. Our deck is turning green in front of our eyes!!
Anyway, we are enjoying art time together. We again used the same site -->> http://www.artprojectsforkids.org/ and tried our hand at an overlapping Matisse design. I wanted to show the kids some example of Matisse -- so I googled Matisse images. Good news, there were a lot of Matisse prints to view. Bad news, there were a few nude images (of course Tay picked up on that right away)!! Oh the things you learn...
love the art and the poetry