Wednesday, February 25, 2009

India -- Week 4

On Monday we concluded our study of India. The other homeschool mother has a neighbor from India that blessed us with her time. She is originally from northern India and had a great many things to share. She brought along sweet rice (a yellow rice dish with almonds and raisins -- mmm...) to share with all of us. She also brought along a video of a traditional Indian marriage. The kids enjoyed listening to her, asking questions, tasting the sweet rice and watching the wedding ceremony.

Today we painted and labeled our clay map of India. The first one is Abby's, the second is Ben's and the third is Taylor's. With Greg's vast map knowledge we all learned alot!

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love, love the maps. Very cool. We would like to know how to make them..... :-)
