We started our morning out slowly -- just the way that I like! We talked to Aunt Stacy, Josiah and Ezra. We met the new addition to their house -- Double L (stands for large lop-eared bunny). Pretty cute!
Greg took the kids to Runnymede Park for a couple of hours this afternoon. Many tales to tell -- they saw a lot of wildlife (water snake, deer, turtles) and the car stalled out at Wendy's (ugh). We added anti-freeze and hopefully that will fix it!
The kids went to the neighbors house after a Wendy's lunch. They hunted eggs and played with the neighbor kids. After filling up on chocolate covered Peeps, popcorn, water, and nuts we were off to Tae Kwon Do. Ben is not yet old enough, but the girls are having a lot of fun!
Busy day! The kids are hiding Easter eggs in the basement. I am almost ready to put the kibosh on the fun as it is almost time for bed!