I love to make salt dough maps!!! I taught the 3rd and 4th graders this year at TNT -- Australian unit. I had the kids create salt dough maps. So... we also made them at home (Taylor ended up making 2 maps -- one at TNT and one at home). Aren't they gorgeous:)
On March 7th Abby performed at the Cascades Library with her Irish dance school! We were able to borrow this beautiful dress. She had a delightful time and did an awesome job!!!
I can't believe that these are the first shots of the bunnies (and only one of the three)!! We surprised the kids with 3 bunnies on Christmas morning. Taylor surprised us with her big-time allergy to bunnies (sorry Tay). After experimenting with a bandana worn like a robber, it is safe for her to hold the bunnies. They LOVE the rabbits. The one shown here has gone through several variations of names -->> he started with Marshmallow, then Marshy, to BooBoo, to Booey -- I'm not sure what they will be calling him next!!!
Sweet Abby turned 11!!!! She decorated her cupcakes, ate her meal of choice (potato skins), opened presents, and had a grand day. She is totally terrific and I am soooo thankful for her:)